Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Beginning

So I am finally doing it, I am finally starting my blog. Well I figured since I'm already sitting here nursing my 4 month old daughter(which I'm sure you didn't need to know)that I should give it a go to start writing. It's not like I have anything to do, I mean that dirty pile of laundry, or the tipped over toy box, or the test due on Friday couldn't be done right now, right!

My goal with this blog is to try and write something at least once a week. Maybe more and maybe less not sure just yet. I am a single mom of four and life can get quite crazy and busy at times, with wrestling practice, dance practice and girl scouts split up between the kids, not to mention the time it takes to breastfeed my daughter which I enjoy doing for that is part of my job of being a mother! I am not against formula, I am just blessed that I am able to breastfeed and the fact that my mother passed away in 2003 from breast cancer makes me want to do it even more!

(My mom)

I think we can all agree that this weekend was extremely beautiful! We spent the weekend in Keokuk visiting some friends. I would have to say that my favorite day of the week has got to be Sunday. It just seems as if the world is so peaceful that day. Definitely the perfect day to be spending time with family after a morning at church! Monday, Taylor had acrobats and loved it! She is my oldest child of the four and can be very bossy at times! Tuesday, my boys, Dillan and DeAlijah started dance and they really enjoyed it! DeAlijah is my youngest son at the age of 2 1/2 and during dance practice which his is only 30 minutes long, opened the door 3x to see if I was still waiting outside the room for He says "mommy, dance, fun!" We are still working on sentences with him!

(My boys on Halloween-Dillan: Spiderman, DeAlijah: A Ninja)

Oh! I forgot to mention my title. I think it is pretty obvious where that came from I mean how many of us moms have not had a child spill a glass!?! I, myself have actually spilled a glass a time or two or more! Or I guess you could always think of as if I am spilling all my business to the Well Avani, my youngest is asleep and I guess that's my que to get up and get some more things done for the life of a mother doesn't stop at sleep time. I can say though that if I had to spend many sleepless nights for motherhood, please sign me up I wouldn't change it for the world! I love being a mommy! Nothing more precious than those words at bedtime "I love you mommy, see you in the morning!!!


1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Love it. You're going to love this. It's a great way to figure out how to get my thoughts in order... whenever I can get a chance, lol.
