Sunday, December 20, 2009

An adventure

So this last week has been quite an adventure.. Avani has been fighting this cold that she just can't seem to kick so I decided to take her to the doctor on Thursday and that is 30 minutes east of us. I am glad that this was on the nicest day we had, had all week. We actually for once had a pleasant time at the doctor appt. there wasn't a room full of patients in the waiting room which is always a plus b/c I don't believe ever walking in there and walking out without one of my children catching something. We got into our room within 5 minutes.. Or at least however long it takes to sit down and get a baby out of carseat plus 2 minutes.. Turns out there didn't seem to be anything really wrong? No ear infection, no red throat, lungs were clear.. So he decided to go ahead and give me something for her since she has had this cold for about 2 weeks with a fever off and on for a couple of them.. Now it seems as if Lijah is sick only he seems more sick than what she was? Poor babies.. i just hate when they are sick..

Well after I was done taking her to her appt.. I decided to grab some lunch but the cafe in the hospital is on the floor below us and at the other end of the hospital.. I just figured it would be better to get something healthier there than say McDonald's, that is to say if the hospital food is really healthy? Well after carrying a 16pd baby in a carseat all the way there it turns out there wasn't anything that looked appealing..darn it! I just decided Culvers sounded good and definitely better than McDonalds! and it was good!

Since I'm in college and gotta buy those pricey books, luckily at the end of the semester i get to take them back and resell them to the bookstore! It's always nice to get a little money back! But in the process of returning like 8 books my darn sack broke! Now I wasn't trying to lug that carseat all the way up to the college door and in the college but i didn't get my way.. I decided to put the books in the carseat and carry the baby.. Let me tell you that was a horrible walk.. I felt like wonder woman but i was exhausted after i got back to my car since i had just did the walk at the hospital..ugh!!

Well after we got done there I had to drive an hour south and pick up Lijah and go to another appt I had there and then head north another hour to home only to realize after passing all the gas stations I was on empty and i do mean EMPTY.. i was surprised i made it to the gas station.. my miles to empty thing said like 2 and at one point it went to 0 and then went back up to 2! I did notice getting gas at hy-vee that they have a button u can push if u are handicapped or i think have children? and i wonder will they come pump for you and take ur money and bring ur change? gosh if they would do this they will definitely get my business!! Guess I will have to try it sometime!

Well Ms. Avani is needing me so that's all for now....

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This and That

Well what a day yesterday was! There was no school again which was ok I suppose since that meant I didn't have to drag the two little ones out in the cold weather! We made some yummy pancakes and there wasn't one left, which rarely happens because when we make pancakes we always make a lot!

I am still in the process of getting my computer fixed so I am sad that I can not upload all our pictures we've taken this past month :( but I am working on getting the computer fixed soon. With christmas almost here the computer had to be put on the back burner but not too long, don't want it to get burned,lol that was prolly a dumb a joke but I just had to say it! Speaking of christmas.. we watched the Chicken Little movie the other night and the boys really seemed to enjoy it, maybe I will add that to my christmas list. And all this talk about movies I have a bunch of kids movies on VCR tape like lion king, aladdin, the little mermaid, and so many many more but these are the new times and I would really like to have them on a disc.. I just wonder if there is a way to copy them to a disc or if I will have to buy all the movies new on discs..

All this time home together has been fun! The kids have not been fighting as much with each other lately.. strange but good.. maybe all this time together is doing them some good! We made some hot cocoa yesterday before nap time and I think it helped relax them because it didn't take much time and they were out.. they meaning the boys, my daughter does not take naps but she loves nap time just like me because that means she has a chance(if I say ok) to get on the computer!

So last night I decided to make some homemade chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes and gravy over it all..mmm.. For some reason though Lijah didn't seem to want to eat, it could be that he had a cup of milk and a cup of juice before hand that he had snuck out of the fridge.. instead though he went upstairs I thought to play or watch cartoons, NO he decided to get into Taylor's fingernail polish and paint his toenails and fingernails blue! Oh it was a mess but I couldn't help but laugh.

Today is a late start on school so I should get going now to get them ready!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Been a long time

Wow, So it really has been a long time. So much for once a week! I have been extremely busy lately so now that fall semester has come to an end(well Friday) I will hopefully have time to blog! Today I would say was our first snow and it was so beautiful! I love the snow, I just hate rain and ice when mixed with it. School was cancelled today and the kids still ended up waking up before 8 and asking to go out and play in the snow by 8:30. Finally after 3 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of sock, 2 shirts, a coat, hat and mittens they were ready! I suppose it is that time to invest in snow pants and snow boots so it doesn't take us an hour to get ready and a load of laundry after playing! ;-) They did make it out just after 9am and I decided a few minutes outside for ms. avani would be fine. I just wanted to get a couple pics of them all surrounded by the snow BUT as we ventured out first with the video camcorder, it died after only getting about 2 minutes filmed and then going in to get the picture camera it died just as I got everybody seated and went to push the button so NO pictures..(sigh).. Guess I will hope for the next snow.. That is if I can find my battery charger for the camera.?.

I have been looking for toys for the kids lately since Christmas is ONLY a few weeks ago now! So far it has been pretty easy by watching what they play with mostly everyday.. Avani of course loves chewing on everything and smiles every time she sees herself in the mirror so I am thinking chew toys, a mirror toy and lights and music toy! DeAlijah loves tractors, trailers, trains, trucks and cars.. Wow that is really strange with everything starting with a T except for cars of course.. Dillan ..hmmm what to get dillan? He likes to play with cars but we have wayyyy enough of those and he likes things like the Wii but yet he is still too young that I have to get everything hooked up for him and I don't let the kids do those things everyday.. So I'm thinking I may have to do some more investigating on what he likes.. Movies, he does love movies but again not everyday! Well last but not least Taylor, my teenage 8 year old! She wants a Nintendo DS and I am not sure about that!?! besides that she likes anything she can draw and write with, glitter, fingernail polish and these little polly pocket baby things.. My dad bought them for her on her birthday so I am not sure exactly if that is what they are? I am excited to be going shopping this weekend with my friend Amber and hoping to get what I need and be done for Christmas!

So now that fall semester is over and it is that time to make my spring schedule I was excited until the class times just don't seem to be working that well with my home schedule! I could take a night class and it would save me from driving 30 minutes each way but then I would have to find a night babysitter plus have somebody take the kids to dance class I just don't want to put that responsibility on to somebody else.. Some of the class times are overlapping with other classes that I need and I have to take certain classes in order to take the next class I need the next semester.. Uh, so stressful!

It looks so beautiful outside right now with the Christmas lights on all the many houses and the fresh snow covering the roads and cars and tracks! I just love that Gap commercial with the little girls dancing and singing,lol it's just so catchy! So I decided to do some organizing today and rearranged the kids bedrooms and cleaned out some closests, put some things in storage. For some reason my room is always last and I never did get to rearrange mine but atleast its clean. Now I just need to figure out where my camera charger is? Well as much as I love snow days I am hoping the kids go back tomorrow I have much to get done this week! But for now it's sleep time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Beginning

So I am finally doing it, I am finally starting my blog. Well I figured since I'm already sitting here nursing my 4 month old daughter(which I'm sure you didn't need to know)that I should give it a go to start writing. It's not like I have anything to do, I mean that dirty pile of laundry, or the tipped over toy box, or the test due on Friday couldn't be done right now, right!

My goal with this blog is to try and write something at least once a week. Maybe more and maybe less not sure just yet. I am a single mom of four and life can get quite crazy and busy at times, with wrestling practice, dance practice and girl scouts split up between the kids, not to mention the time it takes to breastfeed my daughter which I enjoy doing for that is part of my job of being a mother! I am not against formula, I am just blessed that I am able to breastfeed and the fact that my mother passed away in 2003 from breast cancer makes me want to do it even more!

(My mom)

I think we can all agree that this weekend was extremely beautiful! We spent the weekend in Keokuk visiting some friends. I would have to say that my favorite day of the week has got to be Sunday. It just seems as if the world is so peaceful that day. Definitely the perfect day to be spending time with family after a morning at church! Monday, Taylor had acrobats and loved it! She is my oldest child of the four and can be very bossy at times! Tuesday, my boys, Dillan and DeAlijah started dance and they really enjoyed it! DeAlijah is my youngest son at the age of 2 1/2 and during dance practice which his is only 30 minutes long, opened the door 3x to see if I was still waiting outside the room for He says "mommy, dance, fun!" We are still working on sentences with him!

(My boys on Halloween-Dillan: Spiderman, DeAlijah: A Ninja)

Oh! I forgot to mention my title. I think it is pretty obvious where that came from I mean how many of us moms have not had a child spill a glass!?! I, myself have actually spilled a glass a time or two or more! Or I guess you could always think of as if I am spilling all my business to the Well Avani, my youngest is asleep and I guess that's my que to get up and get some more things done for the life of a mother doesn't stop at sleep time. I can say though that if I had to spend many sleepless nights for motherhood, please sign me up I wouldn't change it for the world! I love being a mommy! Nothing more precious than those words at bedtime "I love you mommy, see you in the morning!!!
